Minutes for the 2015 meeting of the Crossroads of Texas Living History Association

The meeting was called to order at 0900 by Secretary David Vickers.  The President was absent.

After the prayer the reports were given.  The finance report was given by treasurer Jerry Miller.

Finances are in good shape with the bills paid.  Discussion was made about a check that Newton always gave to COTHLA at this meeting.  Since his death, Scott McMahon, has taken over as Director of the Presidio.  David Vickers said he would talk to him. 

Quartermaster Jack Boothe reported 27 lbs of black powder and a cost of $85 dollars to bring the amount up to specifications.  The powder 3f and Jack reported the artillerymen didn’t want to use it.  A suggestion was made that they bring their own.  Jack also reported we have no first aid kit.  Some of the items in it are expired.

The Fannin massacre last year went well.  Some discussion over sot me of the weapons not being period correct.  The main issue was percussion versus flintlock.  That some of the percussion were not period correct.  An argument that will not be fully resolved.  It was agreed to watch more closely as some have tried to take the field with civil war muskets.

Gonzalez had sixty-eight attendees with a good Soldado turn out.  The city of Gonzales is trying to move the event to Wells Park next year.

Steve Trowbridge announced that he Folklife Festival will be held on June 13 and 14.  There will be no activity on Friday the 12th.

Under new business Scott McMahon was introduced as the new director of the Presidio.  The incident at Ft Richardson State Park and its impact on us was brought up.  It seems that during a World War Two reenactment there an individual was shot with an M1.  The wound was through and through and the victim is recovering.  This incident will cause more and tighter inspections.  Only blank cartridges will be allowed and weapons will be inspected before and after each battle.  It was decided the infantry will go out for the first and third battle and only the cavalry will go out for the second battle.

Firewood was brought up and the time it will take to get some in time for the massacre.  Steve

Trowbridge made a motion the buy the wood this year and the motion was seconded by Ralph Nelson.

The motion passed.  A wood committee was formed and made up of Bart Tyler(512-670-6646); Jack Boothe(361-935-4193; Taylor Tomlin(361-319-2287) and Keith Bauch(361-793-8908)

The Port-a-Potties at the Presidio tend to become a mess and Tom Kallas was placed in charge of keeping tabs on them.

A motion was made and passed to replace the Tiki Torches with lanterns

The Gonzales event will be on Oct. 2nd thru the 4th next year.

The Officers for next year were elected and are listed as follows:

President: Dennis Riedesel

Quartermaster: Jack Boothe

Treasure: Jerry  Miller

Secretary: Keith Bauch

Meeting was adjourned at 1028 with a motion from Dennis Seconded by Doug Crumly.












Presidio La Bahia

Gonzales Pioneer Village

Texas Folklife Festival NEWS

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