Fannin Massacre March 24-26 ,2017


Please don’t copy, fill in, and send this file back to me.

Just sent a “string” of information as requested in an email or text message

to or text: 361-676- 2208 listing the following: Email address, First Name, Last Name, Impression, Names of any Family Members participating with you, Allergies, Emergency contact Information


Notes for above “String”:

Impression: Texan or Soldado: Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, Civilian Family members who are participating: (Provide gender and age of children) along with their impression information.

Medical: Allergies that medical attendants need to know about. Who to contact in case of an emergency: Name(s) & Phone(s) #


Document management after preregistration:

• Event documents will be sent when your information is entered into the preregistration

• These event documents can also be found on the COTLHA Facebook Pages under Photos ALSO on the COTLHA webpage ( under Goliad Massacre 2017

• Read the documents that do not require a signature—COTLHA Safety Rules and Presidio Usage Guidelines

• Print documents that require your signature—TPWD form and the Informed Consent

• Bring them with you

• Turn them in at on-site registration.

On-site Registration:

• Complete/correct Spreadsheet data.

• Cavalry-- must be able to display current “Coggins Test” documentation.

• Turn in documents requiring signatures.

• Receive wristband when all registration is completed.

Secure camp location from Stewart Vickers staff before setting a tent!!!

Presidio La Bahia

Gonzales Pioneer Village

Texas Folklife Festival 

date to be determined

You can place news, pictures or advertisements here.